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11 Things Employees Won’t Miss After Using a Password Manager

Originally published:|Last updated:|Stewart Atkinson

What Your Employees Won't Miss After Using a Password Manager

When it comes to passwords, most of your employees believe they are protected by storing countless iterations of username and password combinations in their heads—but with password rules becoming increasingly complex, it’s becoming nearly impossible to rely on memory these days. Faced with multiple complex passwords to remember, employees resort to pen and paper—or worse, to ill-considered “remember this password” functions on their computer or smartphone using apps that simply weren’t built to function as a password manager.

In addition to the growing complexity of password requirements, when left to their own devices, many of your employees simply choose a weak, easy-to-remember password that they habitually reuse across multiple sites. Since many of these passwords are easily accessible using simple brute force methods by hackers, it’s easy to see why password security has become a cause of several cybersecurity incidents and massive data breaches in business—and why password management is a huge concern for organizations of all sizes.

The solution is a reliable business password manager app. To help employees create a strong, unique password for each website they use, a password manager stores all of their unique passwords in an encrypted database and under the lock-and-key of their personally-chosen master password—which is the only one they’ll ever have to remember.

When your employees begin using a password manager, these 11 clunky, insecure items will become a thing of the past:

1. The Dreaded “Forgot My Password” Button

We’ve all be there before: attempting to access an account but end up racking our brains trying to jog our memory and come up with the correct username/password combo. Then, we’re given a limited number of attempts before your account is locked and we have to waste time ask our IT department for help.

When it comes to business accounts, these “account locked” security features can mean excessive downtime, lost profits, and reduced productivity for your employees and your business.

However, with a team password manager, the only password management responsibility your employees will have is to remember their master password. The password manager will organize and manage the login credentials to all of your employees’ work accounts, allowing them–and your IT department– to maximize up-time and productivity.

2. Endless Password-Reset Security Questions


What’s your third pet’s name? Your mother’s high school mascot? With a password manager, employees will avoid the disclosure of endless sensitive personal information with a password manager—and never tell the internet the answer to their favorite personal food preferences again.

With Dashlane’s Password Changer feature, employees can change their password with a single click—without the headache of jumping through countless hoops to simply log into their account and answering security questions.

3. Persistent Auto-Correct Password Fails

Nothing is more frustrating than successfully entering the characters for your username and password on a smartphone or tablet—and then having spell check automatically change it to something else entirely.

With a password manager, employees can forget about dealing with tiny, frustrating keyboards, annoying autocorrect, and typing in general—auto-fill, auto-login, and the benefits of iPhone’s TouchID and Android’s fingerprint scanning all work with you to give you access to your passwords whenever and wherever you need them. Try it out with Dashlane’s mobile app the next time you take a business trip.

4. Post-It Notes on computer screens

Post It Notes on a Computer Screen

Employee passwords stored on a device’s Notes app are just as dangerous as their paper counterparts—for your company’s password security and your sanity. Should a password-containing Post-it note ever become lost, they’ve potentially compromised sensitive and valuable company data.

Employees can declutter with a tool like Dashlane’s Password Generator, which stores sticky-note prone passwords directly into Dashlane. If employees are still struggling to remember a new or changed password, Dashlane has a Password History tool that will help keep track of old and recently changed passwords.

5. So long Mobile Notes and Emails-to-Self

Mobile notes and emailing passwords become a thing of the past with a password manager tool. As with the unsecured Post-it notes described above, saving work-related passwords in a smartphone or tablet’s Notes app is terrible because they can’t be encrypted, and a device can easily be lost or stolen. Don’t take the risk of a lost or stolen device compromising your company’s security.

When you enlist the help of a trusted password management tool, employees will have the added benefit of securely sharing information—like credentials, network passwords, financial documents, and more— with a password manager’s secure notes feature. 

6. Old-School Safety in a Safe Deposit Box

Safe Deposit Box

Safe-Deposit boxes assume that you are always going to be within a certain geographic location to retrieve your valuables—and also, that you are always going to remember where your keys are.

When you use a password manager, users will always have access to their secured personal vault with their passwords, passports and IDs, financial documents, and other important documents. In the event of an emergency, any important data that might have been otherwise stored in a safe deposit box (like passports, social security cards, and tax transcripts) can be saved in a password manager’s secure notes.

7. The Lost Wallet

Another familiar scenario: when you can’t find your wallet—the collection of IDs and bank cards that make you financially viable—you basically lose your purchasing power, and ultimately, your identity. Meaning you probably can’t even buy lunch until you sort things out.

When you use a password manager, you don’t have to worry about a lost wallet—or even about having your wallet with you. With Dashlane’s Digital Wallet, you can store your credit, debit, and bank account information in one secure location. If you’re looking for even more shopping convenience, you can enlist an auto-fill of secure payment information on an as-authorized basis.

8. Unbalanced Checkbooks and Lost Receipt Stashes


Balancing a checkbook and categorizing receipts is something of a lost art—and it’s a “lost” art for a good reason. Paper checks and paper receipts simply get misplaced in the shuffle, and more often than not, keeping track of purchases in paper form can create more trouble than it’s worth.

With Dashlane’s business password manager, employees can keep track of all of their work-related online purchases with instant capture and manual receipt upload features. Instead of collecting a wallet of receipts that will need to be submitted for reimbursements, employees can manage all of their purchases in Dashlane by organizing them by the merchant, time of purchase, amount, or category. Employees can also separate receipts into their Work or Personal Space within Dashlane’s password manager for business, allowing them to make safe and secure purchases at work and at home.

9. The Rusty Old Filing Cabinet

Create more space in your office by getting rid of those old filing cabinets and purchase an enterprise password manager. It’s time your employees got their digital identity organized with a password manager.

Dashlane Business’ Spaces TM  not only sorts your online receipts but helps employees easily organize their personal and business credentials. Employees also have the option of sorting credentials alphabetically, by category, or the most frequently used accounts.

10. Hunting down 2FA SMS Codes

2FA TOTP Passcodes

When it comes to password security, many businesses deploy a 2FA (two-factor authentication) protocol that only allows access to a user who can provide an additional “factor”–which can include things like a fingerprint scan, a time-sensitive password sent to your smartphone, or a USB token–to authenticate themselves.  

Although 2FA adds an additional layer of security over your business’ internal accounts, it typically requires going back and forth between a mobile phone and a computer or tablet before successfully signing in—a process that becomes a time-consuming inconvenience that is not only error-prone but unsecured.

Several password managers on the market allow for 2FA, but Dashlane is the first password management program that enables and supports the FIDO Alliance’s Universal Second Factor authentication (U2F) and Yubico’s U2F-enabled YubiKeys, a physical USB smart key that allows users to authenticate their accounts with the simple and convenient press of a button. U2F Yubikeys provide users with an extra layer of security and convenience that requires no additional authentication. YubiKeys are waterproof, lightweight, and easily attached to a keychain.

11. Password-induced headaches

When you use an enterprise password manager, your entire company will forget all those password-related headaches that keep them from accessing sensitive data, important business information, and from that old-school enjoyment of simply browsing the internet securely.

Looking for an enterprise password manager that fits the bill? Dashlane Business is a scalable, adaptable, password management tool that delivers advanced solutions to your business’s key identity and password challenges. With Dashlane Business, you can take control of your organization’s digital security with a powerful, intuitive solution that protects your company’s valuable data and makes doing secure business online easier, more convenient, and more productive.

What password-related problems do you see currently affecting your employees?

Frequent password resets by your IT department.
Employees using Post-it notes to store and manage passwords.
Employees using an Excel/Word doc to store and manage passwords.
Employees protecting accounts with weak or reused passwords.
Employees sharing passwords insecurely or without permission.
None of the above! I already use an enterprise password manager.
All of the above. 🙁 Maybe I should try using an enterprise password manager.
Please Specify:

Survey Maker

To learn more about how Dashlane Business can protect your company and its valuable business data, visit for more information.

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