
The Latest on Dashlane’s Web-First Experience
This post was first published in January 2021 and is periodically updated to reflect the latest changes and product releases. For more than 10 years, we have worked to build the best password manager for people and businesses, adhering to our founding principles of simplicity, universality, and privacy. In November of 2020, we announced that […]

How to Conduct Your Own Internal Security Audit
Want to conduct a security audit of your company but don’t know where to start? Here are five straightforward steps to follow.

How Secure Are Your Cybersecurity Tools?
Keeping your business secure as risks grow is no easy feat. But despite spending more money on security, many organizations don’t have full confidence in their ability to actually secure their environment.

5 Must-Haves in a Password Manager for Businesses
Passwords are so ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, they can seem insignificant. But when it comes to business, they might be the one thing standing between a hacker and our company’s sensitive data.

Building for Security in a Browser Environment
As you may already know, Dashlane is transitioning from desktop apps to a web-first experience, where users can access their accounts through a browser extension. We knew from the very beginning of this process that we had to ensure the new Dashlane experience would meet our strict security standards. In this post, we’re excited to […]

Product Update: Associated Websites Now Autofill with Dashlane
We love when an update or new feature addresses customer requests directly. And in the case of this autofill update, we know our customers have been requesting it for a while: Please autofill related sites automatically. After adding a family password manager plan and SSO integration for our business customers as well as having more […]

The Top 3 Reasons Businesses Get Hacked—and How to Avoid Them
Passwords are the gateway to company data. How do your security practices measure up? Creating a password oftentimes feels like a means to an end. With a bevy of work and personal accounts, the simple act of logging in can be arduous. It’s only natural that we create—or worse, reuse—a simple and memorable-to-us (read: weak) […]

How to Run an Effective Phishing Test at Work
Running an effective phishing test at work can be the difference between an employee who clicks on malicious links or attachments and one who reports them. In fact, real-time phishing simulations have proven to double employee awareness retention rates, and yield a near 40% ROI, versus more traditional cybersecurity training tactics, according to a study […]

841 Million User Records for Sale on the Dark Web
In the last few weeks, an unknown hacker has put 841 million user records up for sale on the dark web. The user records aren’t from a single source—they comprise data from 30 different companies and include a wide range of personal information. So far, no financial data has been reported stolen. According to The […]

The 20 Biggest Data Breaches of 2018
The digital information that we save and share online—our private, personal data—is sought after not only by hackers and cybercriminals, but even by foreign governments. Why? Because data is the new oil. Our information has value, and we need to collectively begin behaving as such. We need to stop reusing passwords, stop saving personal and […]

Wall Street Journal’s “Best Tech Gifts 2018” Includes Dashlane
The Wall Street Journal’s “Best Tech Gifts 2018” list was published recently, and we were thrilled to see that Dashlane made the cut! Here’s what they had to say about us: “For the past few years, we haven’t been able to shut up about password managers—and Dashlane in particular. It really is the best way […]

Kanye West Tops Dashlane’s List of 2018’s “Worst Password Offenders”
Dashlane today announced its third annual list of the “Worst Password Offenders.” The list highlights the high-profile individuals and organizations that had the most significant password-related blunders in 2018. “Passwords are the first line of defense against cyberattacks,” said Emmanuel Schalit, CEO of Dashlane. “Weak passwords, reused passwords, and poor business password management can easily […]