Personal Tips
In-depth tips and advice for staying safe online

10 Reasons Why Biometrics Won’t Replace Passwords Anytime Soon
Originally posted April 24, 2015 A few weeks ago, our weekly Dashlane Tech Check featured a brand-new discovery: “Lip Motion Passwords” could be the future of biometric authentication. Lip Motion Passwords authenticate a person by using the unique motion of their lips as they say a particular word or phrase. Unlike your fingerprint or iris scanners, […]

Naughty or Nice? Here’s How to Tell If an E-Commerce Website is Legit
We all want to find the sweetest deal on best name-brand clothes, sleek new toys, and the hottest tech gadgets on the market. But do you really know if that online shopping website is just selling you a bag of coal? According to Forbes, retailers are projecting that online fraud attempts will increase 43 percent […]

What is the Internet of Things and How Safe Is It?
Back in prehistoric times, cave people must have gazed at a fire with wonder while thinking, “Is it safe?” The answer, of course, was “It depends.” Safety precautions are necessary for every new tool. Today, if you use any kind of digital technology connected via wireless technology to the Internet, including cell phones, computers, pet […]

How Do Random Password Generators Work?
A random password generator is a software program, hardware device, or online tool that automatically generates a password using parameters that a user sets, including mixed-case letters, numbers, symbols, pronounceability, length, and strength. There are three kinds of random number generators that help make your new passwords: Pseudorandom number generators True random number generators Cryptographically […]

How to Make “Strong” Passwords Even Stronger for World Password Day
Happy World Password Day! As one of the best password managers in the industry, the Dashlane team is excited to participate in the global celebration to remind consumers and businesses to change and protect their passwords. I’m sure you’re going to read countless blog posts, news articles, infographics, security roundups, and other materials on how […]

A Skeptic’s Guide to Password Managers and Security
You’ve probably seen a free password manager app advertised on tech blogs and magazines, security forums, digital ads, etc. and immediately thought: “That’s a goldmine for hackers!” “Is this thing really safe and secure?” “Why would I put all my passwords in a third-party app?” I hear you! You have every right to learn exactly why you […]

Our Favourite “Password Killers” And Why They Won’t Actually Kill The Password
This new technology will KILL THE PASSWORD. If only we had a dollar every time we heard this phrase…Every time a new technology in the security space crops up, it tends to be the first thing we hear. Let’s take a look at some of the bigger “password killers” and see where they might fall […]

3 Steps for When Your Gmail Is Hacked
Gmail serves more than 900 million users across the world, which makes it a prime target for hackers. So, it’s important to know what to do when your Gmail is hacked. Your account may have been compromised if you experience any of the following: Your contacts have received suspicious messages from your Gmail address Contacts […]

7 Reasons Why Password Recovery Questions Are Worse Than Useless
Google has lifted the lid on why “secret” password recovery questions – even their own – are not only ineffective, but jeopardizing your security What is your frequent flyer number? And what was your favorite food seven years ago? If you’re finding it difficult to remember, that is one of the problems identified by new […]

The 6 Bad Habits Hackers Love
If you want to protect your data and accounts, you really have to think like the enemy… There’s no doubt about it: hacking is on the increase. According to Symantec’s annual Internet Security Threat study, there were nearly a million new malware threats released every day in 2014 – from viruses and spyware to trojan […]

Why Biometrics Won’t Replace Passwords Any Time Soon
This week sees the annual Mobile World Congress take place in Barcelona, one of the biggest events in the global technology calendar. This year has already again seen a number of exciting technologies and innovations surface in the mobile technology space, including new phones from the likes of Microsoft and Sony to Google announcing a […]