Workplace Tips
Workplace security best practices and recent news

AI Enters the Business World – How Will it Impact Your Cybersecurity?
Artificial Intelligence, in all of its forms, is here to stay. Any process a machine takes over can be considered AI. In this case, we’ll talk largely about the personal assistant functions which users activate using voice commands. Things like Siri and Alexa offer their users the chance to have a personal assistant perform the tedious jobs of looking […]

Dashlane Business: Our 5 Key Principles
Dashlane Business was inspired by a steady and growing chorus of requests: “I love Dashlane—but I wish all my employees could have the simpler, safer web experience I do.” So we set out to do just that with Dashlane Business 1.0 in 2016. Taking what we learned from real businesses’ feedback in the past few years, […]

Phishing: 5 Methods That Can Harm Your Business
Phishing attacks are difficult threats for IT and Security professionals to eliminate because existing methods continue to evolve in order to disrupt businesses of every size. Attacks typically don’t target seasoned security professionals — instead, criminals are focusing their efforts on the largely negligent employee base, or on specific individuals within a business who tend […]

Shadow IT: How to Mitigate Risks with a Password Manager
Shadow IT is inevitable. With the consumerization of IT and the proliferation of cloud applications, maintaining control over your organization’s security is becoming increasingly difficult. Unless you’re willing to slow employee productivity to a halt by demanding IT approval of every software and cloud application used for work, as well as all personal devices used […]

Phishing Statistics: What Every Business Needs to Know
Phishing attacks are on the rise, and they’re more sophisticated than ever. The reason these types of attacks are on the rise is because they’re extremely profitable for perpetrators. And with the average cost of a phishing attack costing a mid-size company $1.6 million, it can be a death blow for businesses that don’t put […]

What’s the Best Password Manager for Your Business? Ask a U.S. Bank (Part II)
What’s the best password manager for your business? In Part I, a U.S. bank laid out the blueprint for those wondering whether their business needs a password manager. They were able to (1) recognize that employee passwords were the weakest link in their security, (2) identify the problem — that employees were reusing passwords and […]

Why Does Your Business Need a Password Manager? Ask a U.S. Bank (Part I)
Why does your business need a password manager? A password manager is the best way to help your business: Eliminate password reuse Improve employee security behavior, and Protect access to accounts containing sensitive company and customer information A U.S. bank has had tremendous success using our business password manager to not only curb reuse, but […]

PAM vs SSO vs Password Manager: Which is Best for Your Business?
Whether you’re seeking a PAM (Privileged Access Management), SSO (Single Sign-On), or password management solution for your business, read this short guide to ensure you understand the underlying value of each tool and how each serves a particular role in your organization’s IAM (Identity and Access Management) strategy. For a security-conscious business seeking IAM solutions, […]

How a Password Manager Helps Prevent a Data Breach
A business password manager is the best first line of defense against a data breach. By encouraging and enabling employees to change their poor security and password behavior, a password manager minimizes your organization’s attack surface and strengthens one of your biggest vulnerabilities. After all, your security is only as strong as your employee’s weakest […]

Year of the Hack (Again)
2017 can easily be called the year of the hack. From HBO and Equifax, to the Pentagon and the Republican Party, it seems like no organizations were immune to cybersecurity woes this year. However, the same can be said about 2016. What gives? Common sense says that the digital world is moving too fast for […]

Cyber Security Awareness Training: How to Improve Employee Behavior
Employees are your first line of defense. Unfortunately, they’re also the weakest link in your network security. It’s your job to improve your first line of defense by educating employees via cybersecurity awareness training. According to the 2018 Insider Threat Report, the most common culprit of insider threat is accidental exposure by employees. The top […]

Insider Threat 2018 Report: Is Your Business Vulnerable to an Insider Threat?
Crowd Research Partners, in association with Dashlane, recently published their annual Insider Threat Report. The results are dramatic — 90% of organizations are vulnerable to insider threats, and over 50% have experienced an insider attack in the past year. The Insider Threat Report is based on a robust online survey completed by 472 cybersecurity professionals, […]