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Stop Starting Start Finishing
Henrik Kniberg from Crisp is one of my favorite blog writer and author in the field of Agile and Organization. A lot of his work has been a huge inspiration to me. I recently shared with the Dashlane team a summary of Henrik’s slides called “Stop Starting. Start Finishing”. These offer great tips on how to […]

Google Awards Dashlane “Best of 2015” On The Play Store!
Today we’re thrilled to announce that Dashlane has been awarded “Best of 2015” by Google, an honor given to the best of the best apps on the Play Store! This coveted accolade comes shortly after winning Editors’ Choice and being named Top Developer earlier this year… Is it just us, or is our Android app […]

An Introduction To Dashlane’s CTO
Hi everyone, My name is Frédéric Rivain. I am the new VP of Engineering (CTO) at Dashlane. I am taking the opportunity to write a first Tech post on the Dashlane blog. Even though we tweet regularly, we now also intend to publish technical articles about our practices and our experience. We’ll share our technical ideas, […]

Dashlane’s Android App Earns Editors’ Choice on Google Play!
We’re thrilled to announce that Dashlane’s Android password manager is now an Editors’ Choice winner on the Google Play Store! The award is given to the most trusted, reputable and reliable apps on the Google Play Store. It’s a huge accomplishment for our team and company to win such a coveted spot, especially one month […]

Samsung Mobile Password Security Simplified with Fingerprint Scanning
Today we’re happy to announce the addition of Samsung Finger Scanner to our Dashlane Android App. Dashlane users who have Samsung’s Galaxy S5, S6, Note 4 and Note Edge, can now use their fingerprint to get instant access to passwords and other important personal information. With biometric authentication for Dashlane, all you need to do […]

Our Favourite “Password Killers” And Why They Won’t Actually Kill The Password
This new technology will KILL THE PASSWORD. If only we had a dollar every time we heard this phrase…Every time a new technology in the security space crops up, it tends to be the first thing we hear. Let’s take a look at some of the bigger “password killers” and see where they might fall […]

3 Steps for When Your Gmail Is Hacked
Gmail serves more than 900 million users across the world, which makes it a prime target for hackers. So, it’s important to know what to do when your Gmail is hacked. Your account may have been compromised if you experience any of the following: Your contacts have received suspicious messages from your Gmail address Contacts […]

Hacking in the Internet of Things Era
Last year, a security firm in the UK uncovered that they could gain access to a GoPro camera and secretly watch or eavesdrop on users…This kind of incident is not new. In December 2014, hackers succeeded in publishing thousands of webcam streams from individuals and businesses. By visiting a website one could watch what’s happening in […]

7 Reasons Why Password Recovery Questions Are Worse Than Useless
Google has lifted the lid on why “secret” password recovery questions – even their own – are not only ineffective, but jeopardizing your security What is your frequent flyer number? And what was your favorite food seven years ago? If you’re finding it difficult to remember, that is one of the problems identified by new […]

Never Have to Remember Another Password on Your Android Device!
PRODUCT NEWS: Dashlane becomes the first password manager to offer users automatic login on Android devices. Published on Thursday 28th May 2015, 12.00pm PT Today at the annual Google I/O Conference, Google revealed Android M Developer Preview and some exciting new APIs and functionality. Dashlane has integrated two new APIs from Android to offer users automatic login on […]

5 Steps to Fixing Your Startup’s Password Management
If you need perspective on how much of your work day is dependent on online tools, try and think back to a time the office connection cut out. Even for just 20 minutes. There was perhaps a fight to the death for an Internet cable. A few people probably suggested packing it all in and […]

The 6 Bad Habits Hackers Love
If you want to protect your data and accounts, you really have to think like the enemy… There’s no doubt about it: hacking is on the increase. According to Symantec’s annual Internet Security Threat study, there were nearly a million new malware threats released every day in 2014 – from viruses and spyware to trojan […]