cybersecurity terms

What Is Keylogging?
Imagine your keyboard gossiping behind your back, spilling your deepest, darkest, and most embarrassing secrets to the world.

Why Enterprise SSO Is Not Enough to Secure Your Business
Pairing SSO with a business password manager is the best way to keep your organization protected.

What You Can Learn About Cybersecurity From Snooping on Your Crush Online
We may not be proud of it, but most of us have creeped on a crush or ex online when curiosity got the best of us. Here’s how to turn it into a lesson rather than—like your therapist told you— an unhealthy waste of time.

New Attacks Targeting Remote Workers, Recent CISA Analysis Reveals
The shift to remote work has forced companies to change how they think about their security. CISA recently published a report highlighting an increase in successful phishing attacks exploiting cybersecurity weaknesses of remote and distributed teams.

What the Hack Is Phishing?
A lump grew in my throat. I’d been conned. More specifically, I’d been phished. And it had nothing to do with the band.

What the Hack Is Juice Jacking?
What might be the only thing more frustrating than getting juice jacked? Being the first documented case of it.

What the Hack Is a Brute Force Attack?
Brute-force attacks are like when you spend five minutes jamming the wrong key into your front door, hoping it might finally work.