password generator

The 3.2 Billion Reasons to Get a Business Password Manager
In an earlier post, we gave you 68,680,741 reasons why you need an automated password manager to better secure your business. As cybersecurity threats and attacks continue to soar, the incentives for implementing a password manager have increased far past 68 million.

5 Must-Haves in a Password Manager for Businesses
Passwords are so ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, they can seem insignificant. But when it comes to business, they might be the one thing standing between a hacker and our company’s sensitive data.

New Research Uncovers the State of Security in the Workplace
Dashlane recently conducted a survey with Harris Poll that explored what U.S. employees think about online security and password management.

Don’t Take the Bait — Password Managers Can Help Shield You From Phishing Attacks
If there were a popularity contest for hacking schemes, phishing would win by a landslide. Most commonly in the form of an email, a phishing scheme entices users to click on a malicious link, then leads them to expose personal or business credentials, either by entering them into a fraudulent site or by confirming sensitive […]

Understanding Your Dashlane Password Health Score
Understanding your Password Health Score with Dashlane allows you to control and protect your accounts and personal information.

How Do I Make My Passwords Stronger?
Making strong, safe, and unique passwords is easy using Dashlane’s Password Generator.

Dashlane Uncovers Troubling Password Patterns
Virginia Tech and Dashlane Analysis Find Risky, Lazy Passwords the Norm Dashlane analyzed over 61 million passwords and uncovered some troubling password patterns. The analysis was conducted with research provided by Dr. Gang Wang, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. The Virginia Tech project, described as “the first large-scale […]

World Password Day: How to Improve Your Passwords
May 4th was World Password Day (#WorldPasswordDay). It’s a global initiative originated by Intel and championed by Dashlane to tackle the number 1 problem in the digital world—passwords. As one of the leading password managers in the industry, we wanted to take this time make an international public service announcement: World, we have a password problem. […]

Delete Facebook? How it Impacts Secure Logins to Thousands of Sites
By now, you’ve probably heard about the Delete Facebook movement. Stemming from the alleged misuse of data from over 50 million user accounts (update: 87 million user accounts) by a firm called Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 presidential election, Facebook users have been deleting accounts as a way of showing that they want to control their data. Whether […]

5 Steps to Check ‘Secure My Passwords’ Off Your Resolution List
With each coming year, we make a list of overwhelming resolutions but tend to skip the part where we map out a feasible strategy to get there. If you want a clean security slate, much like 6-pack abs, it won’t happen overnight. If perfect password health isn’t one of your resolutions, you should reconsider given […]

7 Features You Need in a Team Password Manager
A team password manager is a useful tool for any small business that wants to boost security while helping employees to manage their passwords more effectively. However, not all business password managers are created equal. Here are seven features to look for when choosing a team password manager for your small business: 1. Usability A team […]

How Do Random Password Generators Work?
A random password generator is a software program, hardware device, or online tool that automatically generates a password using parameters that a user sets, including mixed-case letters, numbers, symbols, pronounceability, length, and strength. There are three kinds of random number generators that help make your new passwords: Pseudorandom number generators True random number generators Cryptographically […]