social engineering

Black Hat 2023 Review: The Seven Biggest Takeaways and What’s Ahead
The Black Hat 2023 security conference covered the power of AI, passkeys as the future of authentication, and much more.

Cyber Threats: Your Guide to Common Terms
This glossary of key terms will help you get a handle on what to watch out for when it comes to cyber threats and attacks.

Everything You Should Know About the Social Engineering Attack at Uber
Find out how the Uber breach happened and what you can do to protect your business from a similar hack.

What’s Your Number? How to Avoid Port-Out Scams.
Hackers can use your cell phone number for a cyberattack known as a port-out scam. Here’s how they work and how you can protect yourself.

4 Cyber Threats Targeting Small Businesses in 2017
It’s too dangerous for organizations of all sizes to put the issue of cybersecurity on the backburner in 2017. One study found that small businesses making $100,000 incurred a total security incident cost of $24,000 on average—nearly a quarter of annual earnings. By comparison, the cost for billion-dollar enterprises amounted to less than 0.1% of […]