
The Latest on Dashlane’s Web-First Experience
This post was first published in January 2021 and is periodically updated to reflect the latest changes and product releases. For more than 10 years, we have worked to build the best password manager for people and businesses, adhering to our founding principles of simplicity, universality, and privacy. In November of 2020, we announced that […]

Tips & Tricks for Optimizing Dashlane’s Autofill You Might Not Know About
Take your Dashlane usage to the next level with these tips and tricks for optimizing and customizing how your autofill works.

New to the Web App: A Redesigned Sharing Center
We’re excited to roll out a redesigned Sharing Center as part of our ongoing migration to a web-first experience. The feature will be available to all customers in the web app over the coming days. We know it’s important for you to easily and securely share passwords, Secure Notes, payment information, and 2FA codes. We also know it’s important for you to easily keep track of what you’ve previously shared—and with who. Which is why we made a few key […]

Product Updates: IDs in the Web App and a New Way to Stay Up to Date With Dashlane
Our latest updates include IDs now available in the web app and an easier way to find product updates.

Innovating for a Better Dashlane: Autofill Now Powered by Machine Learning
Over the past several months, we’ve been hard at work developing a new Machine Learning Engine to power our autofill. Think of it like your super-smart digital assistant—and we’re excited to introduce it to you.

Fix the Fill: Simple Solutions to Common Issues With Autofill
Sometimes, Dashlane fails—and sometimes, the internet fails Dashlane! Here are some of the most common issues customers face when using autofill and what to do about them.

Quarter in Review: What’s New & Next With Dashlane So Far in 2021
We’re rounding up all the exciting product updates from Q1 with options to read more.

Achieving a Flow State While Coding
Have you ever looked up from a project after what felt like five minutes and seen that an hour had passed? If so, you’ve experienced the phenomenon known as flow firsthand. Flow is a state of complete involvement in the task at hand, and we often do our best work while deep into this flow state. For […]

Product Updates: Intuitive Suggestions, a Nifty Shortcut, and an Important Addition to the Web App
Here’s some news about adding bank accounts, a handy keyboard shortcut to open our extension, and a new feature that allows you to get what you need out of Dashlane without slowing down. Let’s take a tour!

You Asked, We Answered: Improvements to Password Generator
With our latest improvements to Password Generator, you no longer have to choose between convenience and security.

Landing Our 5th Patent: Our Latest Patent and How We Leverage Our Intellectual Property
Just this past January, Dashlane was awarded a new patent—our fifth in total—and I thought I would use the occasion to share how patents work in general and how we leverage our intellectual property here at Dashlane.