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DDoS Attacks Are Crippling Twitter, Amazon, and Reddit. Here’s How.
Updated 10/24/2016 On Friday, October 21, Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, AirBnb, Github, and several major websites reported outages due to a Distributed Denial of Service attack (DD0S). Here’s what you need to know about the attack and how to protect yourself. Wait, what exactly happened? On the morning of October 21, several prominent websites were taken […]

11 Things Employees Won’t Miss After Using a Password Manager
When it comes to passwords, most of your employees believe they are protected by storing countless iterations of username and password combinations in their heads—but with password rules becoming increasingly complex, it’s becoming nearly impossible to rely on memory these days. Faced with multiple complex passwords to remember, employees resort to pen and paper—or worse, […]

5 Things Your New Employees Need to Know About Cyber Security from Week One
If you’re a CEO or IT administrator, you’ll need to spruce up on cyber security training before indoctrinating new hires. If the latest Yahoo data breach proved anything, it’s that today’s cyber threats are terrifyingly real. That said, 2016 has come with a slew of new cyber threats and surprising avenues of danger. If there’s […]

How Employees, Passwords, and Network Vulnerabilities Can Cost Your Business Millions
This summer, IBM and Ponemon Institute published a startling global study on how much data breaches cost businesses per year. With approximately 90 percent of cybersecurity incidents affecting small businesses and 1 in 5 companies having experienced a security breach thus far this year, this study illustrates how three major security vulnerabilities lead data breaches […]

We Rebuilt the UI of our iOS App with Chainable Data Sources. Here’s How.
A few months ago, we set out to rebuild the UI of our redesigned iOS app. We wanted to give our iOS users a simpler, efficient app, with the usages and polish they would expect from their favorite service and platform. Behind the scenes, we wanted to make our app even more robust and maintainable, […]

It’s Time to Get #CyberAware for National Cyber Security Awareness Month!
October is officially National Cyber Security Awareness Month! As a #CyberAware Champion, we’re doing our part at Dashlane by making sure our users have the resources they need to stay safer and secure online. What is National Cyber Security Awareness Month? National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) is an initiative originally developed under leadership from […]

Build a Culture of Continuous Learning You Can Be Proud Of
I like to learn new stuff, all the time. I believe this is a need that also allows me to progress and be better every day. That spirit of learning continuously is one of the keys for performance, and as such in all my career I have pushed for a culture of Continuous Learning. Nowadays, […]

What You Can Expect From Your iOS 10 Update and Dashlane
Updated 9/13/16 Apple’s iOS 10 update is finally here! Apple shared advanced versions of its newest system update with developers months ago, but now it’s your turn to try out iOS 10 on your iPhone and iPad! Since we launched our brand-new iPhone and iPad app earlier this year, we couldn’t wait for Dashlane to adopt […]

Dashlane Security Updates
Dear Dashlane user, In the last few days, we released a security update following a report from Tavis Ormandy, a security researcher from the Google Security Team. Tavis brought to our attention a potential security vulnerability in our browser extensions, which is corrected by this update. For the protection of our customers, Dashlane generally does […]

What You Can Expect From Dashlane and the Android 7.0 Nougat Update
It’s finally here! Earlier this week, Google finally released its highly-anticipated Android 7.0 (Nougat) update! Some lucky people will get to see the new Android version sooner than others. According to David Burke, VP of Engineering at Google, owners of the Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P will be the first to get their hands on this update. In […]

How Do Random Password Generators Work?
A random password generator is a software program, hardware device, or online tool that automatically generates a password using parameters that a user sets, including mixed-case letters, numbers, symbols, pronounceability, length, and strength. There are three kinds of random number generators that help make your new passwords: Pseudorandom number generators True random number generators Cryptographically […]

Dashlane and Google Establish New Open Source API Project to Enable Simple, Secure App Logins for Android Users
Today, we’re very excited to announce a very special open-source project that we’re working on with Google to enhance and simplify your security! Dashlane and Google, along with other leading password managers are collaboratively developing “Open YOLO” (You Only Login Once)–an open API for App Developers that will give Android apps the ability to access […]