online security

Safer Internet Day: Online Security Tips For All Ages
In celebration of Safer Internet Day, Dashlane shares tips on how to stay safe online for kids, adults, teens, and senior citizens.

Black Hat 2023 Review: The Seven Biggest Takeaways and What’s Ahead
The Black Hat 2023 security conference covered the power of AI, passkeys as the future of authentication, and much more.

What Is a Digital Footprint and Why Is It Important?
What’s a digital footprint? It’s the sum of your online activities and, over time, it creates a detailed impression of your identity.

How To Tell if a Site Is Really Safe To Use: 8 Key Signs
Malware, data intercepts, and lack of privacy are constant internet threats. Follow these tips to help identify if a site is safe to use.

How to Find & Manage All Your Online Accounts
How can I find all my online accounts? Here’s the best way to recover all old accounts and keep them safe and accessible.

How to Select the Best Password Manager for Your Wants and Needs
Password managers may seem similar, but there are two criteria for evaluating the big differences in security features and the user experience.

3 Billion Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Password Manager
Unfortunately, it only takes one wrong click to expose sensitive customer data. Just ask Yahoo. Learn why a password manager can help.

Tips for Women (By Women) on How to Stay Safe On and Offline
Women around the world are breaking down barriers while tackling the work to be done. We, the women of Dashlane, got together to discuss many important issues, including one we’re uniquely passionate about–security. As women, we are acutely aware of unique cyber threats targeting women, from nonconsensual access to online accounts to online harassment and […]

Always Change Your Passwords After a Breach
Even though 91% of people understand it’s a bad idea, 59% still reuse their passwords. This means your compromised passwords are likely being used elsewhere.

5 Quick Tricks to Improve Your Online Security in 5 Minutes
Cybersecurity is an issue that impacts every business and individual, and depends on strong technology systems combined with intelligent habits. But where to begin? It can feel pretty overwhelming. Here’s a list of 5 quick things you can do in 5 minutes or less to instantly improve your online security. 1. Update your web browser […]

Naughty or Nice? Here’s How to Tell If an E-Commerce Website is Legit
We all want to find the sweetest deal on best name-brand clothes, sleek new toys, and the hottest tech gadgets on the market. But do you really know if that online shopping website is just selling you a bag of coal? According to Forbes, retailers are projecting that online fraud attempts will increase 43 percent […]